Wait…is that a mini?

Hello again! Today's update I want to share something with you all that we have been working on. I often get asked and give people disappointment when they see there are no miniatures within Aerodome. And there are a lot of good reasons for that. The main one being this is my first project and I wanted to create what I could handle. I didn’t want to do miniatures until I felt comfortable that I could do miniatures to the level and detail that I wanted.

So today, I am announcing that backers will receive the STL files for the first four fighters of Aerodome. The D-22 Maverick from Futuria pilots, the Sopwith Camel from Ace pilots, the Martaga One from Martaga and the X-1 Galactica from Star Lancers. These files will be released to each backer once they are completed with the first being the D-22 Maverick.

Additionally, we will be rewarding resin prints of the D-22 Maverick for backers of the Captain tier. Please, tell your friends and share the news! We really hope this excites everyone! I may even give away some painted ones ;)

“She’s rough, but she knows how to fight…and she has the marks to prove it.”

Captain Alice Drummond

Not a captain yet? Join the Campaign!

Wing well,

Wade Piche


A New Game approaches…


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