A New Game approaches…

Hello, Today I wanted to share something a little different, and yet still a part of the Ephyrean family. Welcome to Super Dice Battle. This Party brawler dice game puts players to the test against one another. Roll dice rapidly to complete your combos and KO your opponents. Prepare your defenses from incoming attacks.

Duke it out to become the champion fighter.



This monkey was born and raised in the streets of neo-shanghai, Southpaw is a feisty brawler. Often earning her way through the underground boxing ring, if not from her winnings then from her gamblings. She does have another goal in mind. Taking on the king of Neo-shanghai, Mecha-sun.

Detective Jules

The streets of New Chicago are filled with violence and murder. It’s no wonder the New Chicago Police requisitioned the most advanced automaton to date as a detective. Jules Gutherrie was created by Arthro Gutherrie, a genius whose own ambitions sometimes put his projects before society’s wants. Detective Jules offers calculated risks for potential reward.

General Augustine Hale

The leader of the Allegiance forces, Augustine leads from the front shield and sword in tow. She and her squadron often utilize fog of war and created their own smoke grenades to more safely maneuver across no man’s land. She is often escorted by a team of unique soldiers to carry out the most dangerous of missions including Operation - Black Sheep.

Capt. Bertha Burnwater

You have to be ruthless to be captain of ‘the Bellows.’ Intimidating from her sheer size and fearsome smile, with several gold plated teeth, to a flamethrower the size of most foes she fights, Bertha knows her black frigate to the last nut and bolt.

How to Play

Each player receives a set of 4 combo dice. The dice have a facing for Up, Down, Left, Right as well as A, B, Y and Z. Each player also has a unique character each specializing in one thing or another.


Players begin to roll their combo dice, rolling as fast as they desire. Each roll a player may commit one of the results to one of their combos. Each combo must be completed from left to right. When a player completes one of their combos they may shout “COMBO!” prompting the game to hold for them to resolve their combo. Defense combos may be completed when a player is targeted from an attack. Defense combos often will help a player block the incoming damage, but some can help turn the tide like Southpaw’s Counterpunch.

The Super Die

When a player resolves a combo, they deal damage with the Super die. First they will choose a target and roll the Super Die. Then deal damage for each <Heart> result and deal 1 temporary damage for each circle result, a “knockback” if you will. 

Game Modes

Super Dice Battle also provides additional ways to play. A perfect way to fill any amount of game time. We wanted to find ways to find interesting ways to play and keep the game open to all players.


Player gains a life token for the approximate amount of time they want to play. 1 Life for 5 minutes. 2 Lives for 10 minutes or 3 lives for 15 minutes. When a player has no more life tokens, they are out of the match. Last player standing is the victor.


Set a time using a timer of how long you want to battle. Players battle, passing a baton based on who got the most recent KO. At the end of the timer, whoever has the baton is the victor.

Victory Points

Players play the game similar to Stock, but now each time a player is KO’d the person who KO’d that player gains a stock token as a sign of victory. The first player to three victory points is the victor.

Super Ephyrean Series

Be on the lookout for more titles baring this mark, as it shows a series of titles from Ephyrean Games designed and aimed towards recreating some of our favorite feelings we get when playing video games but in tabletop form. For Super Dice Battle, we really emphasized the “lean forward” of gaming. That feeling we get when we need to start giving our gaming a little “boost”.

And with that, we will conclude today's information about our next project, Super Dice Battle. We hope you enjoyed the announcement and look forward to sharing more. Super Dice Battle will be coming to stores near you early 2025.


Wait…is that a mini?