The Dragonslayer Store Championship Kit
Hello, I hope you all have been enjoying the campaign. Today, I would like to go a little bit deeper into our Organized Play structure. Coming from a strong background in Organized Play at FFG, I have always understood the drive players have to compete. With the start of my own company and with Aerodome, it is no different.
“Here we have a chance, a way. A path forward not only to show them what we are made of, but a way to change….everything.”
Captain Theodosia Costello
Today we are taking a look at something new for our Organized Play! Check out the first of our Store Championship kits, this one themed around the Dragonslayer herself, Theodosia Costello.
Each round (4 Rounds Total) a copy of Ace Roll will be randomly handed out.
Top 16 players will receive one each of Recover Rotate and Proficient Turn.
Top 8 players will receive a “Black Frost” Elusive token.
Top 4 players will receive a placement fighter marker (Black, Bronze, Silver and Gold).
Top 2 will each receive a set of templates featuring Theodosia’s fighter, the Sopwith Camel.
1st place will receive a Metal Theodosia Costello card.
Our plan is to make these available for sale on our website. We also hope to release three Store Championship kits a year, each one featuring a different fighter. We want to showcase our variety and provide numerous options for organizers and fans to choose from and with such a deep pool to pull from, we hope everyone has a kit they are looking forward to. We will also provide weekly kits which offer different cards to reward players for playing Aerodome.
Our current Road Map for Organized Play is as follows:
End of August - The Dragonslayer Store Championship kit.
- Tournament Rules
End of November - Hellsister Store Championship kit.
- Blueprint Weekly kit 2.
End of March - J A X Store Championship kit.
Adepticon 2025 - Large-scale Event
Team play and integration is also one of our most important features of competitive Aerodome. Next week, we will look into what we have planned for teams and what we want teams to compete for.
Wing Well,
Wade Piche