Today we bring you updates to rules and balances to the game. When we first started this project we wanted the game to feel balanced and living through community. We are working to ensure these goals are further met with our first official FAQ, Errata and Rulebook update.

FAQs Added to Rulebook

We mostly focused on adding FAQ to the rulebook including common questions about being able to reroll the same die during an action, when the timing for spending an ammo token takes place and what it means to have a card “in play”.

Updates to Current Rules

We also took this time to fully define some aspects of the game, such as the types of actions. Now officially called “Locked Action, Auxiliary Action and Reactive Action”, this will help with wording of future projects and defining the terms. We have also added the two new action types: Dazed and Recover.

Card Changes

A few of the current cards received updated wording. Cards such as Power Spike, Supercharger and Ol’ Twirly bird were decided to be too powerful and used not as intended.

Another card receiving a change is Freeze Ray, as the wording on the card was not fully approved upon printing. A promo of this card is also in the works for players to get an updated version in a future project.


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