The Story - Martaga

Click the image above for the Martaga Story so far…

Today marks a special day in Aerodome’s history. That’s right, it is the designers birthday! And he would like to give you all a gift on his birthday! (What a deal!) Let’s hear what he has to say:

“For this years gift to you all, we will release a short story about one of the characters and their faction in Aerodome. This story is about the young gamer, Jax, as they compete in the first Martaga championship. Like a lot of the characters in Aerodome, Jax represents myself in this coming of age story. Growing up I often struggled with fitting in and dealing with bullies, finding my confidence and embracing what makes me strong. I wanted Martaga to also incorporate my love for video gaming and the thrill of competition. This story was written by one of my close friends, Shae Moloney, and I can’t wait for you all to read more about the pilot. Thank you and enjoy!”

Wow! Exciting to be able to read about the fictional video game world of Martaga! Jax is an agendered adolescent with hopes of winning the first ever World Championship. In honor of Jax, Aerodome and the pride month we are also making a donation to OutFront Minnesota (A local organization for LBGTQ+ communities).

Also, we thought you would enjoy this! A Martaga inspired playlist on Spotify! The synth vibes were a very large inspiration to the entirety of Aerodome and we want to share with you some of our favorites!

Happy Birthday Wade! And from all of us at Ephyrean Games and Aerodome, thank you and we hope you enjoy!


Pilot Spotlight - J A X


Pilot Spotlight - Hellsister