Flying over the fields of France, each of these young pilots are daring soldiers fighting for their nations. Pilots from the world of Ace are known for their grace and their elegant war machines – biplanes crafted of canvas and wood. Ace pilots are divided between the Allegiance and Resurgence, two opposing forces each believing they are fighting for the ideology of freedom.

The story follows the young pilot Theodosia, leader of a group of some of the best pilots alive known as the Knights of the Round Table. Her journey takes the squadron fully across Europe as they escort a train to the southern fronts., The Knights’ mission is challenged by the Resurgence’s top pilot, a young man known by those who fear him as the Red-Tailed Hawk.

Core Set - Rising Horizons

Capt. Theodosia Costello - “Dragonslayer

The lost daughter of the Resurgent leader. She resents the family name and adopts a new name, Theodosia Costello, to fight under for the Allegiance. Her strength is from her resentful attitude but also the respect she shows her squadmates. During the Battle of Rosehill, she fearlessly led the Knights of the Round Table Squadron in an against all odds victory after bringing down General Valincourt, a ruthless man known as “The Dragon of the West”.

Fighter - Sopwith Camel

Squadron - Knights of the Round Table

Ability - After you complete a Immelann Action, gain 1 Elusive Token.

Unique Card - Be The Leaf

Lt. Sophia Saleh - “Blackbird”

At the age of 11, Sophia was left to fend for herself and her younger brothers after an attack on her city left her orphaned. Her resilience following this tragedy fostered a vengeful spirit in this sharp pilot. Sophia is a tempered individual who doesn’t back down from any fight that promises to get her closer to redemption.

Fighter - Sopwith Camel

Squadron - Knights of the Round Table


Unique Card:

Lt. Sven Bergman - “Night Hawk”

Sven was a famous race car driver before the war, and that thrill of high speeds and risk taking fit naturally into his new role in the cockpit. Like his racing days, He knows every nut and bolt in his biplane and has memorized every inch of the machine. Sven believes first and foremost in preparation. When that fails, dazzle them with speed.

Fighter - Sopwith Camel

Squadron - Knights of the Round Table

Ability - If you reveal a lower initiative card than your opponent, add +1 to your initiative.

Unique Card:

Lt. Archie and Ely Anderson - “Devil Dou”

Inseparable twin brothers from the Midwest. This devious duo brings ingenuity to their fight style by surprising the enemy with unusual, homemade weapons that prove to be devastating in aerial combat. Their victory count is typically combined because it’s easier than enduring another argument between the brothers; they can never agree on who shot down which plane.

Fighter - Potez XXV

Squadron - Knights of the Round Table

Ability -

Unique Card -